Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Have a Dessert Wine Tasting Party

Getting ready for summer you can chose a warm evening to have a dessert wine-tasting party. These will be held from after-dinner into the evening, as long as you and your guests want. The party could start at 8 o'clock and continue until midnight, or something similar.

Dessert wines are typically sweet and served chilled. A bottle will usually serve about 6 people for wine tasting. When you pour wine for tasting you only pour about 2-4 ounces, which is less than a standard wine serving. Make sure you familiarize yourself with proper wine tasting techniques and wine tasting terms. This way you can help to educate your guests who aren't as knowledgeable as you will be.

Four to six different varieties of dessert wine is usually enough for a wine tasting party. More than that and you will over whelm your guests. You also have the option of choosing different varieties, or just choose one variety and pick bottles from different vineyards and wine-makers.

Your dessert options can be as elaborate as you want. Several dessert choices are best. But, cut them or divide them into smaller than normal portions. That way your guests can also be dessert-tasting as well as wine tasting. Make sure you provide plenty of water for your guests in between tasting different wines. They need to cleanse their pallets.

Alternately, you may want to keep the sweets simple. Great chocolates make a wonderful way to serve sweets with dessert wine tasting. Provide a variety of sweetness levels in the chocolate as well. Some very dark less sweet chocolates, some milk chocolates, even some white chocolates can make a beautiful dessert presentation with very little work on your part.

The most important part of your dessert wine-tasting party is for you to enjoy yourself. Drinking wine is all about enjoyment after all, so make sure you include yourself in the fun.

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