Monday, October 14, 2013

Mistress by James Patterson

Any James Patterson fan will want to read this review of his latest, Mistress. Not one of any of his on-going series, this mystery is a stand-alone.

Very popular author James Patterson almost exclusively co-writes his mysteries. Mistress is co-written by David Ellis. Another very talented author, Ellis continues in the Patterson quality for intriguing plots and engaging characters.

The hero of Mistress is a new character in the James Patterson world known affectionately as Ben. Written in first person style, entirely from Ben's point of view, Mistress is another mystery with the kind of plot twists and turns we expect from a Patterson novel.

The review of Mistress is written by mystery reader and reviewer Mandee. As always, her reviews give you just enough of the plot without doing any spoiling. But, you also get her take on the story, the characters and the setting.

The bottom line is that Mandee is a James Patterson fan. She has a voracious appetite for any of his novels, mysteries especially. So you get this review of Mistress from one who should know whether we are talking about good book or not. Time to read it yourself: Mistress by James Patterson.

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