Friday, June 28, 2013

Left-Handed Sports Fun

We lefties can really have some fun this summer playing sports. But we need to understand the best equipment for our own needs.

Baseball and softball are fun sports that only get the great attention during the warm months. The reality is, us left-handed people have an advantage. There is a great deal of value in being that so-called "south paw." Find out more at The Advantage of Being Left-Handed in Baseball/Softball. It can be a real eye-opener especially if you have a left-handed child who wants to play sports.

But, there's more. You really do need the correct equipment for yourself or you child. With both baseball and softball, a catching glove or mitt is part of the equipment. Luckily, the manufacturers of these gloves recognize the value of making them for either right or left-handed people.

When I got my first left-handed glove for softball, it made a big difference. Even my coach was amazed at my improvement. When I could start throwing the ball with my stronger left-hand and arm, my accuracy was better and my distance was better. The glove on my right hand just allowed me the freedom to use my left-hand for better ball control.

Make sure you get for yourself or your left-handed child, the correct equipment to play to your best ability. It will help in your own game as well.

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