Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mandee's Mysteries Comes to Mystery Book World

We have enjoyed the talents of a fabulous mystery book reviewer on Mystery Book World Live. Now we get to welcome Mandee to her own corner of the site.

Mandee's Mysteries is a fun and exciting world of all her novel reviews, with plenty more on the way. This reviewer is an avid reader of so many different series of mystery books in different sub-genres. Then she writes the kind of reviews that tell you enough about the story line without giving away anything. That's a real talent.

Her latest review is about James Patterson's latest Women's Mystery Series novel, the 12th of Never. Such an amazing story and one that I have on my reading list. Mandee's review, like all of them, is carefully laid out so you get enough information to know that you want to read it, but you still get all the surprises of reading the mystery yourself.

Take a few minutes to look at Mandee's Mysteries and see for yourself the latest and fun mystery novels just waiting for you to add to your own reading list. You'll see why we are thrilled to have her aboard.

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