Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Lefthanded World Arrives

Being a left-handed person, I just couldn't resist this site. Lefthanded World is all about the fun, trials, and good stuff of being lefthanded. Especially when dealing with the right-handed world. Did you know the estimates out there say that only 10% of the population is lefthanded? I didn't realize that either, but there it is.

There are also some theories that try to explain how lefties get to be that way. Read about them here, and tell me if you agree. They seem to say that lefthandedness comes from the male genetic material. In other words: thank dad for this one. That is if this theory proves true. So far everything is just a theory. Makes me wonder if why this hasn't proven, yet. Seems so much other stuff gets proved. Do we lefties need to a big fund-raising campaign to get research done?

No matter. I'm still happy being lefthanded. Kind of sets me apart from the rest of the 90% of the population. And I don't mind at all being special. If you're one of the special ones, too, or you have one of those special children, you need to check out Lefthanded World for yourself.

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