Friday, May 4, 2012

Educate College Grads About Wine Drinking

As our kids are becoming college graduates, we can use their graduation parties to help them understand about wine drinking and how to properly consume wine. Graduation parties are popular to celebrate the fabulous accomplishment of completing their college degree. So you can this time to present them with good wines and help them understand the art of wine drinking.

Most college graduates are over 21, the legal age for alcoholic beverage drinking in the United States. At their graduation party, instead of allowing them the typical beer options, try offering a few wines and showing them the proper way to taste and enjoy wine.

Providing plenty of food is not unusual. Our friend Mandee, a professional event planner, has come up with some great ideas for foods to serve at a graduation party. The food is light and ready for summer. So the wines should be lighter in body. White wines definitely qualify, but so do roses and some reds.

Merlot and Pinot Noirs are usually the lightest of the reds. Look for young wines that are meant to be consumed with no further aging. Even though boxed wines are not normally considered great wines, they do make good options for serving wine to new wine drinkers. There are many boxed wine options that can be quite good. They are also easy ways to serve wine for parties.

The lighter-bodied wines also work well chilled. Mandee has great ideas for keeping drinks cool at graduation parties. You can use her ideas to chill your wines as well. Match up wine choices with food options for great presentations.

Be sure to brush up on your wine-tasting skills and terms so that you are ready to educate your college grads and their friends in the art of wine tasting. And while you're at, be sure to choose some great wines for yourself to enjoy at the graduation party.

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