Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Value of Good Left-Handed Knives in the Kitchen

Yes, I do cook a lot. But it wasn't always that way. In fact, for a very long time, I dreaded working in the kitchen and preparing food. The biggest problem was not the cooking, but the prepping of the foods to be cooked. I hated it!

Of course, I hated it. The chopping, slicing and dicing was hard for me. Duh, I was using kitchen knives designed to be comfortable in a right hand, not a left hand. Rather explains why I also stopped getting good quality and sharp knives. I was regularly cutting a finger along with the food.

When I discovered quality left-handed kitchen knives, lots of things changed for me. First, holding the knife was just plain more comfortable. Good left-handed knives are balanced for the right weight in the left hand. That made chopping and slicing so much more comfortable.

Along with having the best feel for cutting, that also meant much less slicing the fingers. In fact, I was able to use really sharp knives without fear of "missing" my fruit or vegetable. That in turn made the chore of preparing foods for cooking much easier. Faster, too.

You can see that I ended up with a snowball effect. Once I started using good left-handed kitchen knives, I was able to do lots more food prep with lots less effort. Ergo, cooking became fun. No longer the chore that it had been.

Good cooks know that you use good quality utensils in the kitchen. Right-handed people don't even think about it. They get good quality. Most left-handed people don't think about either. I certainly didn't. Not until I got my first set of good quality left-handed kitchen knives.

Now, I don't even remember how I managed without them. Kitchen knives are best when they fit the hand comfortably and that's the same for left-handed kitchen knives. So do yourself a favor and get a good quality set yourself. You can thank me later!

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