Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sports Equipment for Left-Handers

With summer on it's way, outdoor sports are gearing up. It's time to start thinking about left-handed sports players. If you are a lefty like me, you'll want to get the right equipment to be able to play at your best. Sports like baseball, softball, golf and fishing make use of one hand over the other for strength, accuracy and dexterity. So you'll want equipment that supports your left hand.

In baseball and softball, batting left-handed certainly doesn't require anything different, but catching and throwing are a different matter. You want to be able to throw the ball with the strength and accuracy of your left hand and arm. You can't be hampered with a catching glove or mitt.

Think about golf. Typical golf clubs are designed to be swung by a right-handed person. As a lefty, you'll want to swing with your left hand and arm providing the most strength. This means you will need left-handed golf clubs.

When you are teaching your children sports or enrolling them in sports programs, you'll want to give them every advantage to be their best. For left-handed children, this means the proper equipment for them to learn and do well. Don't hamper them with equipment that is designed for the right-handed people. The right sports equipment for left-handed people will make a huge difference.

To learn more about all things left-handed, visit Left Handed World. It can help you as a leftie as well as your left-handed child.

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