Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Value of Using Wine Glass Charms

The next time you have guests over and serve them wine, it's a good idea to use wine glass charms to help identify each guest's glass. Think about the times that you have been at a party, enjoying your wine, but put your glass down somewhere, then can't figure out which is yours anymore? Think about the times, as a hostess, you have been the one to wash wine glasses in the middle of the party because people didn't which one was theirs anymore either?

I got stuck with those problems too often, before I discovered wine glass charms. Of course, I have enough wine glasses for my guests, but not that many extra. So the wine glass charms proved to be a great answer. Each guest had their own charm to identify which glass was theirs. It no longer mattered if they couldn't quite remember where they set their glass down, we could always find it again.

Wine glass charms come in many different styles so you can match them to your party theme, if you want. As an animal lover, I have many sets of charms with different animals on them. Every time I use them for a party, they become something of a party game. We enjoy referring to each other by the animal of their wine glass charm. "I'm the giraffe," or "I'm the Persian Cat," can often be heard at my parties.

When you next need a gift for a wine lover or a hostess gift, wine glass charms make excellent choices. They aren't expensive so you can get several sets that match the personality of the person you are giving the gift to.

So use wine glass charms for your next party and save yourself some hassle. You can find out lots about wine at All About Wine to help you choose, serve and enjoy wine.

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