Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wine Tasting Party Planning

Looking for a good excuse to have a party? Why not host a wine tasting party? It's a fun and not to difficult theme for a get together. It takes a little planning and some decisions, but an interesting and informative way to have a party.

You have some decisions to make first. What kind of wine tasting party do you want to have? A full sit-down dinner not only involves a complete menu, but also a complement of the wines that will go with the food.

Maybe just an appetizer party is better for you. Then you can choose which types of wines to specialize in for the tasting. Whites only, reds only, or a collection from a particular vineyard.

A wine and cheese party is a different event altogether. The kinds of cheeses that you want to pair with your wines will make a difference in how each tastes. Wine compliments the tastes of various cheeses, and vice versa. So you want to do your homework and know which wines work with which cheese.

How about a dessert party? Then you want to serve lighter and sweeter wines with sweet foods. If you are so inclined, champagne makes a great choice to serve with desserts.

Hosting a wine tasting party can be educational for both you and your guests. Discovering that wine really does make food taste better is a treat for everyone. Plus, you each get to decide which wines you do like.

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