Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Convenience of Left-Handed Watches

Being left-handed, I wear my watch on my right arm. For very simple reasons. Which means I need a left-handed watch. A watch that I can work the dials and buttons using my left hand.

The reasons are very simple. My left hand and arm are much more active. I use my left hand for eating, writing, and for most activities. I handle my crochet hook in my left hand. I use a slicing knife with my left hand. I even golf left-handed.

That means I need my watch out of the way. I don't want it to be dragging across my writing or art work. I don't want to drag it across my food either. So I went looking for a new left-handed watch. And I found plenty.

Luckily, I can also use some watches that have no dials at all and can be worn on either arm. But I like having practical watches, too. Those that have a light for night time. Even some with a more sporty look.

That means my left-handed watches need to worked using my left hand. That's what left-handed watches are. And these same reasons are why any lefty needs a left-handed watch. So consider gifting one to yourself, or any other lefty on your gift list. You will be thanked, I'm sure!

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