Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gourmet Food Care Packages for College Students

Many of us have students away for school. It's just one of those college things. But, we also know that college students are always in need of extra food. Why not send them a special gourmet food package?

Gourmet foods are most likely things they can't easily get around the dorm or college campus. So a care package of these special foods makes a great addition to their regular food options.

Any of our kids living on their own, whether as college students or in their own apartments, can certainly use the boost of some extra gourmet food. Most likely, they are on a tight budget. They may not be aware of those special treats. Or, they just don't even think about gourmet foods in their regular shopping.

A care package for our students is more than just food. It's a way to show we are thinking of them. When my daughter was at school, it was easy to make a point of sending her a care package regularly. I kept choosing different types of things for her, but always included some kind of special foods.

Every time she got one of these packages, I would get a thank you phone call. It was quite nice to hear from her other than when she needed money! But that's a different story. She was delighted with every package. She was also the hit of her dorm. That certainly wasn't what I had planned, but it was a nice side benefit.

With gourmet food baskets, so much is included. Things that I might not have thought of. Sometimes, it's just nice to place the order and know it will be delivered. The hassles of buying the goodies, packing them up and shipping them off are gone. That's a huge value for us all.

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