Friday, March 21, 2014

Sports Season and Left-Handed Players

The season is quickly coming upon us where baseball and softball are popular sports. As parents, we want to give our kids the best advantage to have a good time and learn from these sports experiences. Those of us who have left-handed children are no different. Time to think about getting them the equipment that will help them.

Imagine how frustrating it is to have to force yourself to use the wrong hand? For us lefties, that means our right-hand.

Left-handed kids have much stronger left sides. That means in summer sports, we throw better and more accurately with our left hand. Our arm and shoulder are stronger than our right sides. So catching a ball in our glove or mitt on our right hand, then throwing it with our left hand makes us better players.

Oh, sure, many of us adults grew up learning to do things right-handed and we adapted. But, how much better would we have been if we had learned left-handed?

Give your own left-handed child an advantage. Get them lefty baseball or softball mitts. Especially as they are first learning to play sports. The benefit is a good one for them.

As long as we're at it, encourage your child's coach to help them bat left-handed as well. This is another great advantage in playing baseball or softball. Even t-ball is great for teaching lefty kids to bat with their stronger side.

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