Monday, February 17, 2014

Why Lefties Want a Left-handed Watch

Well, yes, I am left-handed! I'm one of those 10% of the population that got this particular gift and talent. I guess you can tell that I'm proud to be left handed. I'm also happy to say that I love my left-handed watch.

I was one of those people who spent years wearing my watch on my left arm. That's the way everyone did, I didn't realize any difference. Finally, I just got tired of having a dirty watch band by dragging it across my paper as I wrote. I was also tired of banging my watch on the kitchen counter as I sliced and diced food. I think you get the picture.

That's when I switched my traditional right-handed watch to my right arm. Wowzer, life was easier. Except, every time I wanted to work one of the dials, I had to take the watch off! Big bummer!

When I got my first left-handed watch, I was in heaven! I do still have my very first left-handed watch and I still love it. But since then, I've gotten many more. Some were gifts, which were so appreciated. Others I chose for myself. But all have been great.

There are challenges being left-handed in a predominantly right-handed world. I'm happy to say, they are getting less and less. More product manufacturers are realizing the value of making left-handed products.

If you are left-handed you need to have a left-handed watch! You will be shocked at how much easier you life will be. If you have a left-handed child, please be kind to them and get them a lefty watch. Show them early how valued they are. Left-handed orientation may be the minority in our population, but it's still a huge value!

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